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Quick Safety Tips

Kurt Mailloux
Jan 24 2 minutes read

Most of these items are common sense for most boaters but as Tom Brady would say you can never get enough mental reps :)

Safety Check: At the start of the season do a deep run down of your boat for all your safety equipment. Make sure it is in proper running order. Check that fire extinguishers have not expired. Lifejackets are in good shape, and so on. Before you leave the dock, check your boat for the basics everytime. Make sure your passengers are aware of where the lifejackets are and how to kill the engine in an emergency. Do any passengers have any special needs? You need to know before you leave the dock. 

Lifejackets: It might not be the cool thing to do, but is not a bad idea to wear one no matter the condition and your skill level. After all the lifejacket is for the unexpected. 

Radio: While radio communication is less popular on Lake Winnipesaukee, it is still important to know the basics. Marina Patrol monitors channel 16 in the event of an emergency. You can always dial 911 or Program Marina Patrol’s Direct number into your cell 603-293-2037

Be Aware: This should go without saying but keep your eyes on your surroundings, the boats around you, the water conditions, where you are, who has the right away. What direction you are heading (especially important on Winnipesaukee so you know what side of the markers you should be on). The weather should also constantly be monitored, the mountains and New England weather can make things change in a hurry out on the lake. 

Communicate: It is always a good idea to let someone know when, where and for how long you are heading out on your boat. In the spirit of communication when you are docking your boat try not to yell at everyone on your boat who is trying to help you :)

Educate: Always being learning new tips and tricks for safety out on the water. There is always something new.